Since rallying began it has always been a cost effective way of getting away from it all. Back in the day, rallying was fairly low key but the work involved with organising a rally was quite time consuming. With that in mind, the committee are very aware of how busy families are these days. The committee are working very hard to make the organisation of a rally quicker and more simple for you to do if you decide to give it a go. The fun and enjoyment of organising a rally far and away trumps the work involved in organising it. Don't forget, there is always help and advice around it required! You won't be left to do it all yourselves. If you feel that it is something that you would like to try then please let any member of the committee know.
Over the past two to three years we have been working hard behind the scenes on a number of different levels, firstly we have been updating the way we keep and share records. GDPR legislation has meant that we have had to have a centralised database of information that can be accessed, controlled and updated by the committee upon request and therefore we have had to invest time and money into migrating all our records into the cloud.
Similarly, and something our members are already be aware of as its been in use for a couple of years is the booking system that allows members to book rallies.
The booking system offers information at our fingertips in real-time. This allows the committee and the rally marshals access to who has booked rally's. It also gives insight into where they have been booked and when for. It has allowed us to bring in nightly pricing, which in turn offers the person rallying a greater choice of stay duration on all of our rallies, not just our holiday rallies as it has been in the past. The booking system also allows for taking pre-payment by BACs and in time, the facility will be there where card payments can be introduced. The software has been teamed up with YDC's new cloud based accounting package that gives real-time access to the payments being received through the bank and card systems. Information on booking trends, venues and rally events also mean the system we have developed provides valuable data on how popular different rally venues are so that when we start to compile the rally calendar for the forthcoming year and we can do it with the knowledge, where and why the location/activity are popular.
One of the biggest changes we have implemented is that we now organise the rally programme through the committee. This has partly been down to the fact that we haven't been able to fill the vacant Rally Secretary's role and also partly down to the reasons outlined above. A major pressure the centre is currently experiencing is that rally site fees are increasing, as is the majority of the economy. The more caravans that are sited on a rally, the cheaper the costs will be. If any members have any sites/fields that have not been visited before, which they feel would be a good addition to the rally calendar, please get in touch with a committee member who can organise a call with the landowner.
We hope in the work that we are continuing to do that we are making things simpler and therefore easier for people to become involved. We would like to share our successes with more members both on the rally field, at our events and even on our committee. The YDC has always been a sociable centre and we would like to continue this by promoting a fresh, friendly and positive approach to being a volunteer, member or rally marshal.