01/03/2025 - 2025 AGM - Minutes & Accounts
We are nearly in March and the AGM is fast approaching. We will have copies of the 2024 Minutes and the 2024 Accounts that will be reviewed at the AGM.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like me to send you a copy.
As always the email is secretary@ydcc.co.uk
01/03/2025 - 2025 AGM - Notices and Nominations
The window for Notice of Motions is now closed. However there is still time to nominate someone to join our committee. If you or someone you know would like to join our team please contact me.
01/03/2024 - 2024 AGM - Minutes & Accounts
We are now into March and the AGM is fast approaching i have copies of the 2023 Minutes and the 2023 Accounts that will be reviewed at the AGM.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like me to send you a copy.
As always the email is secretary@ydcc.co.uk
01/02/2024 - 2024 AGM
Its nearing that time again. This years AGM is to be held at 11am on Sunday the 17th March at Eldwick Village Hall. The Formal Notice will be published on the website in due course.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
01/01/2024 - New Year, New Me
This year we are looking towards refreshing our Rallying Calendar for 2025. Some good neews from the CAMC is that they are now allowing us to utilise the CAMC sites and therefore we are trying to get some clubsites booked for the early and late rallies both this year and next. Pleae keep an eye on the booking system for details.
Its early days but we think there will be great discounts for memebrs over the CAMC satandard price.
Fingers Crossed!!!!
25/12/2023 - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Merry Christmas and a Happy New YEar From the commitee.
21/09/2023 - Committee Meeting
A committee meeting was held last night and one of the topics of conversation was the Autumn Ball. Sadly there doesnt look as if there is much interest in having an Autumn Ball as bookings are very low. A significant amount of time and effort has gone into organising the Autumn Ball and the potential costs the centre could incur are significant. We therefore ask anyone who may be thinking about going and hasnt booked or would like to go and needs to book, please book before the end of September. We currently have 4 bookings for the dinner and music on Saturday night but we need a minimum number for the event to run. Without an increase in bookings by the end of the month the event is in danger of being cancelled.
As you will note we have now secured a Rally at the site for that weekend and irespective of whether or not the Autumn Ball runs or not we are still aiming to run the Rally. Sso again please book if you just fancy a weekend in the Yorkshire Dales countryside.
21/09/2023 - Rally Calendar
We are currently working on our 2024 Rally Calendar and we are hoping to have this ready to publish at the end of September 2023.
19/09/2023 - Volunteers
As most of you will be aware we rely heavily on our members volunteering to help organise, and run our events. The Comittee is a small team and as you have heard before, and we have been engaged over the past few years modernising the centre in an effort to streamline the admiistration side of things. We have now completed this and we are glad to say the modernisation has been a success. We have introduced an online booking system, developed an on line cloud storage facilty for all our centre documentation both new and old, we have introduced new accounting software and upgraded the website. Whilst our work continues we are very much working in the right direction, however, we need help.
We need volunteers to help us organise events and run events, and we need help on the committee. As we have said before we have been working hard to make the time investment for our volunteers as small as possible.
We are looking for members who would like to join our commitee. Meetings are held monthly on zoom with quarterly meeting held face to face in All Together Finances offices in Baildon.
We are also looking for Rally Marshalls to run Rallys for us both for weekends and extended mid week rallys as well as the Holiday Rallys we run such as Grasmere. We will shortly be publishing our Rally calendar for the forthcoming year (2024) and we would love you to volunteer to help organise and run a Rally.
Please contact us if you would be interested in helping
15/03/2023 AGM - Notices of Motion
It has come to our attention that the Notices of Motion are no longer visible on our website following the
changeover from our previous website to our new website. We are currently working to rectify this as soon as possible.
13/03/2023 The November Leyburn Rally has been cancelled, following a decision made by the Centre. The committee will attempt to find another location to enjoy the Bonfire festivities!
08/03/23 - New and Updated Rally Calendar -
As well as being found on 'bookwhen' the 2023 Rally Calendar can be found by going to the 'Events' section of this website and clicking on the green link. It will then take you to the updated planner with the changes highlighted since the last publication.
07/03/23 - Tents allowed on rally fields. Due to a change in Caravan and Motorhome rules, tents are now to be allowed on the rally fields. More details are to follow in due course.